Tuesday 18 August 2009

Drawing Clinic

I recently purchased a DVD by Anthony Waichulis which includes basic drawing exercises. They're incredibly simple but in practice take a lot of time to perfect. I already find myself learning to control and blend better, and my concentration has also been increased - they'd be great for warm-up exercises, too. I'd recommend the DVD to any one wanting to have more control over their drawing medium (it's a bargain). I'm now ready for the final lesson which will be a basic still life. I just need to find some basic objects I can assemble together.

Here's a bad photograph of my first attempt at his 2nd lesson. I still need to work on the last one more:

I also received my radial easel today along with a bunch of other art supplies. I'll edit this post with some pictures of my drawing/painting shack soon.

You should check out Anthony's work - he's a disgustingly skilled painter.


  1. still waiting on these photos burrrrrl

  2. I took some blurry ones, and now I keep forgetting. Soooon, my blogger stalker :o)
